
The Resurrection of the Dead is unavailable, but you can change that!

Karl Barth saw Chapter 15 as the center of 1 Corinthians, arguing that a misunderstanding of the resurrection underlies all the problems in Corinth. In this volume, he develops his view of biblical eschatology, asserting that chapter 15 is key to understanding the testimony of the New Testament. Barth understood the “last things” not as an end to history but as an “end-history” with which any...

he immediately opens the discussion of the lawsuit question (6:2) is, if possible, even bolder and more joyful. Christians, as such, are not only, as 2:15 prescribes, fundamentally in the position, but are called, to judge the world, and even the angels, to test and distinguish spirits, to recognize and pronounce the last clearest truth. But this high promise, as such, is at the same time also the judgment under which the Church stands. In so far as it is not realized in the Church, the latter is
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